Monday, April 16, 2012

Ch. 16 - Integrated Marketing Communications

When discussing integrated marketing communications, we must examine ESPN's promotional advertising.  However, before we look into ESPN's publicity and advertising, the best way to measure success is to adapt the AIDA concept.  AIDA stands for, A - Attention, I - Interest, D - Desire, A - Action.

ESPN's has great success in achieving their promotional goals while getting their message across to their target market, watch ESPN!

ESPN's strategy is closely followed by AIDA.  Shown here, ESPN grabs attention and interest instantaneously while using predominate figures in multiple sporting worlds.  And once ESPN has grabbed your attention and interest by their use of "wacky" commercials they sustain your desire by humiliating or over board tactics of your favorite sports players.  End state?  You take action by watching ESPN.

Again, ESPN is a sports broadcaster, therefore for success of their empire, their media awareness must stay sharp so their ratings prove worth.  This is vital because other companies will use ESPN as a channel to advertise and promote their sales.  Publicity is key!  If you clink this link, you'll see some testimonies from other corporate giants who have found success while using ESPN to mass communicate to their target market.

Few goods or services will survive in a market place without effective promotion.  This is why integrated marketing communications is a must for success of your company.  In a whole, ESPN has a competitive advantage from their competition which allows ESPN to remain superior!

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