Thursday, February 16, 2012

Ch. 4 - The Market Environment

ESPN's best market environment currently is ESPN New York. The target market for ESPN is to zero in on young men, primarily men from 18 to 49. ESPN has been growing considerably fast among all it's viewers especially young men. The demographics of young men (18-49) is the toughest demographic to reach but it's what makes ESPN's sweet spot. ESPN does so well with their targeted market that other companies such as, Rolling Rock, Audi and Nextel are just a few of the consistent advertisers using ESPN for newer forms of rich media which allows them to effectively deliver their brands message to their core audience. Like I've stated before, ESPN's media awareness is 97% thus making ESPN, ESPN2, ESPN Deportes and an extremely effective platform for other struggling companies to reach the tough 18-49 year old men demographic. ESPN's ability to promote to sport affiliations has been exceptional which allows ESPN to provide extensive reach to the male demographic.

A look at ESPN:

  • Number of subscribers = 89.5 million homes
  • Median viewer age = 38.2 years old
  • Average primetime viewers = 1,550,000 people
  • Average total-day viewers = 760,000 people
  • Average primetime 18-49(age demographic) = 680,000 people
  • Average total-day viewers 18-49(age demographic) = 419,000 people
  • Target audience = MEN 18-49

The picture below shows ESPN's 2012 Planning Guide which illustrates all the sports events/seasons ESPN will be covering.  This ties into ESPN's market environment because durning all these events, their target audience will surely be tuning in.  Therefore, you should be able to grasp how well ESPN covers any and all sports that any 18-49 year old male might be into.  Once again, a premier platform for other companies to use to reach the male 18-49 year old demographic.

I will also attach the URL to ESPN's entire 2012 planning guide, on this link you can see ESPN's 2012 planning guide for all their networks.  A full view of all the sport medians ESPN will be covering which allows them to impact their targeted market.
ESPN's 2012 Planning Guide

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